Inspired by the romaine wraps my friend dorklepork posted ever so long ago, I reached into my hat on Thursday night and quickly whipped up some of my own. This is a nice and very quick nibblin' of a recipe, nothing gourmet, but it'll make your gullet smile. (Realizing that I'm not technically sure what a gullet actually is--ah well.)
When I got home Thursday, I was craving beans. I realized I'd picked up a can of lime refried black beans at the grocery store last week (I'd been eyeing them for months and finally caved), so I figured I'd try them babies out. I also had a few ears of corn left over from Ye Old Vegan BBQ, so I figured I should probably try to use those up as well. After I mixed all the filling stuff together, I found myself desperately craving some sort of crunch to the mix. Normally, I am unhealthy and toss in Fritos, but I had none around and didn't feel like dragging my ass down to the corner store.
And then, like an angel from the heavens, it came to me: why not use the crunchy romaine lettuce slowly rotting away in my fridge! And voila, black bean lettuce wraps--fantastic on crunch and flavor and only a fraction of the calories!
1 jalapeno, deseeded and diced
2 ears of fresh corn, sliced off the cob (or 1-2 cups)
1/2 can refried black beans
Romaine lettuce
Finely diced tomatoes
Vegan cream cheese
Fry up the jalapeno and corn in a pot until the corn is a bit scorched. Add in the black beans and worry about the fact that it looks like a giant blob of baby poo. Stir and stir until everything's heated through. Rinse and dry 2-4 pieces of intact romaine lettuce. Scoop the bean mixture into each piece of romaine, taking care not to fill them up *too* much otherwise you won't be able to easily pick them up and eat them. Top with finely diced tomatoes and plain salsa *or* a fantabulous mix of salsa and vegan cream cheese (which gives the salsa a kind of sweet creamy flavor).
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