So it looks like this week's gonna be full of me taunting you about delightful things I ate whose recipes I can't really share with you. So nonny nonny poo poo.
Anyways, the first of the bunch was a dessert we gorged on this past Friday. One of my friends from work bought me Cherrybrook Kitchen's Fudge Brownie Mix for X-mas. Cherrybrook Kitchen specializes in sweets and mixes for folks with food allergies which, of course, offers up a variety of options for us nerdly vegans.
My lazy-assed self was pleased to see that there were pretty much only three ingredients (vegetable oil, water, margarine) other than the brownie-mix itself that I had to deal with. And easy it was--only about 5 minutes to mix, and 16 minutes or so to bake.
The end result was ooey, gooey, and delicious. And to top it all off, E and I doused our brownies in our favorite vegan ice cream--Tofutti's Vanilla Almond Bark... I see lots of conversation about folks' favorite vegan ice creams, but for me (at least so far), there's no contest--Tofutti pretty much takes the cake. Their ice creams are rich and delish and not watery-tasting and bland like some of the others I've tried. And my favorites of their ice cream are, of course, Vanilla Almond Bark, and Chocolate Cookie Crunch as well (a long-time fav).
And as if brownies and ice cream weren't goopey and caloric enough, we topped it all off with some glorious Hershey's syrup. Isn't it pretty pictured here?
Anyways, this is not a recipe, clearly. But I do definitely recommend the Cherrybrook Kitchen's Fudge Brownie Mix, for those of you who aren't fans of spending laborious amounts of time in the kitchen but who would like to convince others that vegan baking really can be done well.
*Prepping those nipple-pinching fingers again for those who haven't already hopped in their car or onto their bike to run out to the store and buy some*
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