Saturday, April 09, 2011

Surprise Surprise

So surprise surprise, I'm posting a picture of pizza again. Yes, I think I may have a problem.

Mostly though, I just wanted to show off my new thrifted plates as promised.

Super cute, right???

Also: this pizza WAS goddamn good.

Just saying.

Not that I have a problem.

*Tying off my arm and injecting it with pizza*


  1. That plate is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

    Also, I too (do not) have a pizza problem :)


  2. Sweet plate! I'm jealous - I went to the thrift store for bowls and such the other day but there was nothing good.

  3. i can't decide which looks better, the amazing plate or that amazing looking pizza. You will have to mail me both in order for me to decide. Whatdoya mean, "No?" Welp, I tried.
