Thursday, March 03, 2011

Try not to get so jealous that you poop your pants...

But my brother got me sweets from Sweet V Confections for my birthday. Just got them in the mail today and am trying with every ounce of willpower in me not to consume all of them in one gluttonous blackout of gorgery.

Check 'em:

Already tried the peanut butter cookies & puppy chow and they are MAGNIFIQUE.

So go support an etsy vegan and buy some. And put in a good word for me as a referral 'cause maybe if enough of you buy some based on this link, the owner will send me free shit. ; )


  1. Great. Now I have to make cookies when I get home because I'm staring at this photo like a starving child.

    You have a nice brother!

  2. ...sometimes I feel sorry for not living in the U.S.

    Being jealous (on your sweets), I want to make yourself jealous either. For I have developed a recipe for vegan Chili"Cheese"Nuggets, melty and oh so yummy !

  3. Oh my goodness. Just checked out that site. Wish they shipped to Canada.

  4. Your brother is in love with you!
