Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Weird Vegan NY Eve (Sorta)

This has never happened before, so I feel it is worth blogging about. Sort of. Mostly because I don't have many more dessert-pics to entice you with, so instead I will just entice you with my sweet sweet sexy words. *Licking my lips ever so slowly while I bend over to pick something up in a very short skirt and granny panties*

NY Eve, I went to a party. *Gasps of shock and horror* And at one point during the party, the topic of blogs came up (my one friend rekindled a friendship with the host of the party through her blog and this fact was being discussed), and a boy sitting nearby me suddenly blurted out to me, "Do *YOU* have a blog?

Wait wait wait... Let me intercede with play-acted dialogue, all of which has been paraphrased due to the blurry-eyed demon of alcohol:

BOY: Do *YOU* have a blog?


BOY: Is it a vegan blog?


BOY: Is it Yeah That Vegan Shit?

LINDY LOO: Oh my god, yeah it is!

BOY: I *thought* I recognized you--you're dressed like a zombie in your blog-pic, right?

LINDY LOO: Heh heh. Yeah, that's me.

BOY: I love your blog! I've made a BUNCH of recipes from it... I just recently made the African peanut soup and the sweet potato chili... So good.

LINDY LOO: Awesome! How weird!

BOY: Yeah, I've made a bunch of recipes... I wish I could think of what else... I read your blog all the time though. Your anatomically correct snowmen were *awesome*. Seriously: you are the best thing ever to happen to the human race. They should make you president and then ruler of the world and then create for you an army of robots and then make everyone vegan out of reverence to you for being the awesomest thing ever. Ever ever. EVER EVER EVER. [I suspect somewhere here is where my paraphrasing has gone awry. Again: I blame the alcohol.]

Anyways, it was delightful and weird to be recognized by someone who just happened to stumble across my blog while googling a recipe, so three cheers to that. And a tip of the hat to Kevin for reading and trying out my recipes. =) (And Kevin, if your name is actually Mitch, Jermaine, T-Dog, or Robot, I do apologize (as my memory sucks), but if it actually IS Robot, that is just plain awesome, and I applaud you for having the world's most kick-ass name.)

The second strange occurence on NY Eve occured amidst a game of Taboo. Believe it or not, there is a Taboo card for VEGAN. And believe it or not, yours truly got used as the clue for it, and everyone immediately got it. How vegan-nerdy is that?

And now: back on track. For my X-mas party (and with the help of my delightful friend Bo), I whipped up quite a few more delectable sweets (and then promptly failed to take pics). On the list: chocolate-covered cookie-dough bites (picture below), chocolate-covered pretzel rods (*snicker*: rods) courtesy of Bo's dipping skills (he dips like a MUTHA!), and vegan fudge (recipe below).

For those of you interested in the crafting of the chocolate-covered cookie dough bites, it's really quite simple and self-explanatory. For mine, I whipped up a batch of VwaV chocolate chip cookie dough, rolled the dough into wee balls, froze them for about an hour, and then dipped them in melted semi-sweet chocolate. Bad-ass.

All in all, it was a sugar-coma type night, which probably explains why four of us ended up playing Truth or Dare Jenga for like 5 hours and not realizing how late it was until 5am.

Anyways, this fudge is RIDICULOUSLY simple and got rave reviews from all those who dabbled in it (which ended up mostly being post-party peoples). What makes it quite good is that it's not unbearably and overwhelmingly sweet-tasting, despite being decadent and delish. So try it out. Your mom.


  • 8-oz soy cream cheese

  • 4 c. powdered sugar

  • 1 t. vanilla

  • 1 c. vegan chocolate chips


Place the cream cheese in a food processor and blend until smooth. Add powdered sugar and vanilla.

Melt chocolate chips in microwave or double boiler. Pour into food processor and process until blended.

Pour into 8-inch square pan that has been lined with wax paper. Refrigerate until firm. Pull away wax paper lining, and cut fudge into bite-size pieces. Store in fridge in an airtight container. Makes 6 dozen small squares.

(Recipe from HERE)

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