Saturday, April 09, 2011

Dear Tribe Hummus:

You are my favoritest of all hummuses (hummi?), even if you DID get me in trouble with the lady at Nature's Bin who tried to guilt-trip me into buying the shittier hummus because it's local and then glared at me and condemned me with her eyes for still thinking you taste infinitely better.


  1. That is some damn good hummus. Worth the self-righteous lady stares.

  2. I don't know where you reside, but here in Portland, Or, we have King Harvest Hummus. It is a local brand, and it's flavor easily tops "Tribe's". If King Harvest isn't available though, I'll get Tribe. I used to eat "Tribe" brand without fail, but I think the quality went down when they changed from "Tribe of Two Sheiks" to just "Tribe". Obviously, American Xenophobia can kill the tastiness of a snack.

  3. I love that hummus so much I just wanna slather my body with it and attach pita bread to my -

    ...You get the point I guess.

  4. Fuck yes! The pizza hummus is freaking 'gasmic.

  5. Yeah, too bad it's owned by a company that supports human rights violations in Palestine.

  6. Agree! i lovee chickpeas and use them as a staple for many of my recipes but never make hummus at home.. Why bother when theres tribe!

  7. Hey! Like your blog, keep the good work up! I'm in to the same healthy enlightened path as you ;) , check out!

  8. homegirl! like Dianne said, this hummus is tainted with human rights violations. your hummus shouldn't have to taste like apartheid.

  9. Anonymous11:23 PM

    @Diane You mean Nestle?
