Monday, March 30, 2009

Haute Faux Egg Sandwich

I blame Everybody Likes Sandwiches for my recent infatuation with the cheddar/apple combo. The recipe that turned me on to this love was her recipe for an apple onion cheddar pizza which was beyond yummy.

And then last week I saw this recipe for a fancy egg sandwich. Essentially it was eggs and cheddar cheese with apples and honey drizzled over top and couched in between two slices of hearty wheat bread.

It sounded so good that I decided to try veganizing it.

And as luck would have it, I really dug the results and spent much of the weekend cowing down on these sandwiches.


I made them open-faced. I tend to think the flavor of a sandwich's interiors can sometimes get lost in between too much bread.

I subbed in the faux-egg recipe from Vegweb for the egg portion.

And I obviously made substitutions for the cheese and honey.


  • 1 pound extra firm tofu, pressed & sliced into 4 slices

  • 1/4 c. apple cider vinegar

  • 1/4 c. olive oil

  • salt & pepper to taste

  • 4 thin slices vegan cheddar

  • 4 slices of sturdy whole grain bread, toasted and buttered (ooh--didn't think to butter them, but that sounds yum!)

  • 1 T. agave nectar (or to taste)

  • 1-2 tart apple(s), sliced thin


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

On a rimmed baking sheet, pour the apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and salt and mix together. Put the tofu on this mixture and coat both sides.

Bake for 10-15 minutes on one side, then flip and bake for another 10-15 minutes.

In the meantime, toast your bread (and "butter" it if you so choose).

When tofu is done, turn on your broiler, spread the tofu out on a piece of foil and top each piece with a slice of vegan cheddar. Toss into broiler until cheddar is melted and/or bubbly.

Place tofu & cheddar on top of your toast. Top with thinly sliced apples and then drizzle generously with agave nectar.

Num num num.

Makes 4 open-faced sandwiches.

(Original recipe from Everybody Likes Sandwiches)


  1. Nice recipe, this is really yummy. There is nothing to argue about. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. thank you for sharing this recipe..

  2. Itsnotme19882:27 AM

    This was AWESOME! Made it today without the apples and love it!
